U.A.N. Sport – Uniqueness-Abilities-Normalities Sport
Numero del Progetto: 613160-EPP-1-2019-1-IT-SPO-SSCP
Il progetto UAN SPORT promuove nuove e maggiori possibilità di praticare sport e attività fisica per persone (in particolare giovani) con disabilità mentale e/o fisica, in particolare attraverso attività sportive integrate tra persone con e senza disabilità.
Scheda Descrizione Progetto UAN Sport
The project aims at promoting more and equal opportunities in sports for people with mental, physical and other disabilities and to encourage people (with or without disabilities) to become more active in physical activities. Specific objectives of the project are:
– to share experiences and practices in promoting social inclusion through sport;
– to encourage cooperation between sport sector and relevant stakeholders active in the field of social inclusion of disable people;
– to raise awareness on the role of sport for social inclusion.